Radio Frequency Shielding Film

Commercial Window Film Installation Company

Radio Frequency Shielding Films

provide a fool-proof method of preventing electronic eavesdropping and theft of secure and classified information from computers and cell phones through window glass. Alarmingly, this has become a serious issue in high-security office buildings and in offices with computers storing vital information, either for the federal government or the private sector.


Commercial Window Shield is a leading installer of specialty window films, including radio frequency shielding film. We:

  • Have a close working relationship with the manufacturer of this niche security window film
  • Can install a combination blast mitigation and radio frequency shielding film to protect windows and thwart electronic eavesdroppers
  • Have an installation method that has proven to be the best and is unmatched in the security window film business
  • Are nimble and flexible working in employee-occupied environments and plan our installation projects accordingly
  • Have more than 30 years in the business and have a talented team of engineers and installers who can adapt to any unforeseen situation and complete the project according to spec

Radio Frequency Shielding Film FAQ

Radio Frequency Shielding Films, also known as RF films, provide a fool-proof method of preventing electronic eavesdropping and theft of secure and classified information from computers and cell phones through window glass.

The film prevents electronic eavesdropping and theft of secure and classified information from computers and cell phones by hackers through window glass.

RF films are needed in any office building where highly sensitive information is displayed on computer screens and mobile phones and can be viewed through clear glass.