commercial window film installation

Safety Window Films

Glass Shattering

This video shows the the rigorous testing that safety window
films have been put through.

Safety Window Films for Hurricane Protection

are designed to maintain theintegrity of a building’s envelope in the event of hurricane force winds andflying debris. A majority of the damage that is caused by hurricanes is due to water and wind infiltration.

Once a window has broken, rain and high

winds are able to enter a structure and cause serious damage; from extensive
water damage to high winds lifting rooves off of buildings.

These films are

designed to hold the window glass in place, even after they have been
broken, and not allow water and wind to get inside.

The films are installed

with a 4-sided wet glaze attachment system that anchors the safety film to
the window frame. This ensures that the window does not blow out of the
opening. Safety Films are not something that can be installed at the last minute, as one would install plywood over windows before a storm. The films need between 30-90 days to fully cure before they reach their maximum effectiveness. Therefore, it is important to plan now for next year’s hurricane season.

For more information on our Safety Window Films for Hurricane Protection, please enter your information below. You can also give us a call at 864-268-0068.

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